Tennova Healthcare - LaFollette Medical Center and Campbell County Government Unite to Paint the Town Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
LaFollette, TN [October 18th, 2024] — In honor of October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Tennova Healthcare- LaFollette Medical Center and the Campbell County Government have launched the "Paint the Town Pink" initiative, designed to raise awareness and honor breast cancer survivors.
“Breast cancer affects 2.3 million women worldwide, and 670,000 women lose their lives to the disease each year,” said Jessica Muse, chief nursing officer at Tennova LaFollette Medical Center, during the event’s announcement. “We want to make sure women in Campbell County know they have access to life-saving resources.”
In line with the initiative, LaFollette Medical Center highlighted that women can receive mammograms at Tennova LaFollette Medical Center year round.
The "Paint the Town Pink" event encourages local businesses and residents to show support by decorating their storefronts, homes, and offices in pink, symbolizing unity in the fight against breast cancer. The initiative also aims to increase awareness about the importance of early detection, which significantly improves the chances of successful treatment.
For more information about scheduling a mammogram at Tennova LaFollette Medical Center, please visit www.tennovalafollette.com/diagnostic-imaging or call: (865) 545-7771.
